
Alcoholic Drinks

All Drinks are 3k Gil
Hot Tottie
The Green Flash
Black Opal
Blood and Sand
Honey Kolsh (Beer)
Aether Poison
Death roll for effects of Aether Poison. Roll a /random 30 and for every sip, use the last number rolled to determine intoxication. If you reach 1 in 4 turns, you lose.
Bar Buyout
500,000 Gil


All Food is 5k Gil
Dzo Steak
A fine cut of sirloin seasoned with salt and cooked with sherry. This cut of dzo is seared then cooked to your liking.
Steppe Style Kebabs - Shorlog
Spiced dzo meat with mild peppers seared then finished in the oven for a perfect kebab.
Steppe Salad
Seasonal tubers sliced and tossed in a light rice vinegar dressing.
Khadgah’s Hand Pies - Nomad Meat Pie
Ground dzo chuck and steppe vegetables wrapped in a buttery dough that is then deep fried.
Buuz - Tako-yaki
Traditional steamed dumplings from the Azim Steppe. Spiced and seasoned dzo meat make up the filling.
Seasonal Soup
Spring/Summer - Miso Soup with Tofu
(Traditional Far Eastern soup made with fish stock and miso paste.)
Fall/Winter - Warrior’s Stew
(A hearty stew full of dzo chuck, popotos, and steppe vegetables.)
Tempura - Tempura Platter
Seafood and vegetables dipped in a light batter then lightly fried in oil.
Sushi -Futo-Maki Roll
A selection of fresh fish served uncooked with vinegar rice rolled into seaweed.
A deep fried donut filled with cheese imported from Reunion. Served with a sweet but tart rolanberry sauce and creamy cheese.
Muffin - Lemon Muffin or Honey Muffin
Freshly baked muffin from the chef’s hearth, type of muffin will vary from day to day.